


  • 片名:与时间独斗
  • 状态:已完结
  • 主演:雅尼娜·福茨/村田祐基/蒂米·特林克斯/
  • 导演:Christian Theede/
  • 年份:2016
  • 地区:其它
  • 类型:剧情/
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:未知
  • 语言:其它
  • 更新:2024-07-07 00:53
  • 简介:On a class trip, five friends are kidnapped by an evil doomsday cult seeking to achieve immortality with an ancient pagan artifact – and who will stop at nothing to do it...  Berlin students Ben, Jonas, Leo, Ozzi and Sophie are on a class trip to boring Hildesheim. Their schedule includes visiting the medieval cathedral and witnessing a complete solar eclipse, but destiny intervenes… A bomb goes off at the cathedral and the students are evacuated by the police, only to find themselves in the clutches of an occult secret society calling themselves the Lunaris Cult, who aim to use an ancient pagan artifact, the Irminsul, to harness the vital force of their teenage captives and use it for their own purposes on the eclipse. The evil cultists are after immortality and divine power, and are even prepared to sacrifice the friends' lives.  Ben and his gang manages to escape. Chased from one danger to the next, the cultists pursue them, closing in on them more and more. The fanatics have it all planned out, it seems, leaving nothing to chance. They disable the cell phone networks and satellite connections, leaving the friends to fend for themselves …
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On a class trip, five friends are kidnapped by an evil doomsday cult seeking to achieve immortality with an ancient pagan artifact – and who will stop at nothing to do it...  Berlin students Ben, Jonas, Leo, Ozzi and Sophie are on a class trip to boring Hildesheim. Their schedule includes visiting the medieval cathedral and witnessing a complete solar eclipse, but destiny intervenes… A bomb goes off at the cathedral and the students are evacuated by the police, only to find themselves in the clutches of an occult secret society calling themselves the Lunaris Cult, who aim to use an ancient pagan artifact, the Irminsul, to harness the vital force of their teenage captives and use it for their own purposes on the eclipse. The evil cultists are after immortality and divine power, and are even prepared to sacrifice the friends' lives.  Ben and his gang manages to escape. Chased from one danger to the next, the cultists pursue them, closing in on them more and more. The fanatics have it all planned out, it seems, leaving nothing to chance. They disable the cell phone networks and satellite connections, leaving the friends to fend for themselves …


  • HD国语
    10.0 吴念轩/莱拉·乌拉/陈雪甄/许乃涵/Wan Hanafi Su/
  • 军嫂相约探亲穿越藏区环线
  • HD中字
    10.0 KIM Jua/YOON Seoyoung/LIM Jongmin/SON Dahyeon/
  • HD
  • 最美村嫂开办村民办事处
  • HD中字
    3.0 Antônio Alcântara Machado/Italo Maximiliano Concha Veloz/Aaron Gomez/Markin López/Helena Puig/Axel Zapien/
  • HD中字
    2.0 蕾切尔·薇兹/罗克珊娜·康杜拉切/瓦妮莎·雷德格雷夫/尼古拉·雷·卡斯/莫妮卡·贝鲁奇/大卫·斯特雷泽恩/宝拉·斯瑞姆/亚历山德鲁·波托切安/威廉·霍普/拉伊塞·康德拉基/詹妮特·海因/本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇/大卫·休莱特/科卡·布卢斯/卢克·崔德威/利亚姆·坎宁安/安娜·谢弗/谢尔盖·特里富诺维奇/弗拉德·伊凡诺夫/多罗西娅·佩特尔/罗莎贝尔·劳伦蒂·塞勒斯/斯图尔特·格雷厄姆/杰弗里·庞塞特/拉杜·班泽鲁/Ciprian Dumitrascu/伊昂·萨普达鲁/伊奥纳特·格拉玛/Paul Jerrico/
  • HD国语
  • 模范孝女感人事迹
  • 每个女孩儿的朋友梦
    10.0 凯瑟琳·巴赫/帕特里克·茂顿/Alexis Rosinsky/Madeline Vail/


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